UniKid-UniCare Austria - the professional support network for combining family responsibilities with studying and working at Austria´s universities

We are committed to promoting change in the organizational culture at Austrian universitities through strategic policy making and practical measures. Our goal is to make it easier for students and all categories of staff to reconcile studying or working at an Austrian university with meeting family care responsibilities. We also want to facilitate a diversity of life and career paths at our universities.This website provides access to a wide range of information and resources relevant to students and staff at Austrian universities. The most important point of contact for incomers is the family support service offer (Fachabteilungen Ihrer Universität) at each of our member universities.

ChildcareCaregiving in the familyCommunicating sciene to kids

No news available.

Family support services at Austrian universities - contact addresses for advice and help at your Austrian university

Local support in seven of Austria´s federal states.

  • Graz
  • Linz
  • Innsbruck
  • Salzburg
  • Klagenfurt
  • Wien
  • Krems
[Translate to Englisch:] Wien Krems Linz Graz Salzburg Klagenfurt Innsbruck


Combining studying and working at an Austrian university with family responsibilities for children

Here you can find information about childcare facilities of students and staff at Austrian universities.


General information for parents
Legal information on parental leave
Financial support


Combining studying / working at an Austrian university with caregiving for family members

Older family members and sick family members  may also need care. Special support structures are needed for caregivers who need to combine studying or unviersity careers with care work.

General information family caregivers
Legal information on care leave
Financial support

Communicating science to children and young people

Austria´s children´s universities have been active for years in getting kids interested in science, the arts, scholarship and research.

